Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Inmate #35060-066

I know Barry has been reading this blog a lot lately. I humbly ask him only one favor:

Can you send me a copy of that book you wrote while in federal prison? You know, ''I Scam ... You Scam: Specific Methods for Defeating Bureaucratic Organizations.''

Thanks a lot!

While I'm still waiting for more emails...

I recently came across another firm operating under the same business model as NCC, JBC & CMS.

Check Processing Bureau
130 Church Street, Suite 276
New York, NY 10007
Tel: 888-238-3290

I'm wondering if these are multiple entites related to each other.

I'll post more information if and when found.

Friday, August 04, 2006

For a limited time...

I will answer the first 20 questions in my next post.

Send them to:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kilroy was here

So some buddies of mine from Savyon & Petach-Tikva say that they have seen a man closely resembling Barry in Israel on several occasions, very recently. That blows my theory that he's hanging out in Hollywood, FL with the "Chabad Boys".

I'd like to know if Boyajian is over there with him.

Some may ask, why is he over there? The answer is simple, he's avoiding the US Government.

Maybe there will be a Tel Aviv branch of Check Investors someday?