Tuesday, June 06, 2006

National Check control is back!!

So a group of guys named BARRY SUSSMAN, CHARLES T. HUTCHINS, WAYNE KRAUSE & ELIZABETH SUSSMAN got together and called themselves Check Investors back in late 2001 and opened up a firm called Goldman Check Systems and started National Check Control.

The bought some out of statute NSF checks that TeleCheck had sitting in a back room for pennies on the dollar. They had a great plan, which was to try to get people to make good on these checks, even though the statute of limitations have run out. That is perfectly legal and ethical in my playbook.

One mistake they made was that their collections tactics were abrasive and blatantly illegal; however, their general counsel, Mr. Sussman stated that they were not bound by the FCRA. That was a lie.

They set up shop in Secaucus, NJ and began their little operation. They called people, told them that they were swearing out warrants right then and there unless everything was paid up. The lies got bigger as the bank rolls started comming in.

Unfortunately, people who knew better, started asking for copies of the checks, they wanted the collection information in writing and every request outside of "where do I send the money" was met with some abusive and threatining comments.

People paid, people also complained. A Google search of National Check Control"> brought a ton of information.

Their tactics got so bad, several Attorney Generals brought some action against them... the FTC stepped last year and took them out, banning them from the industry forever.">

Oddly enough, an envelope bearing a presorted meter stamp from the Westside of Chicago, 60188 came in the mail today:

In it was a letter of someone trying to collect that old paper... 8 years old on a 3 year statute of limitation.

All I could think of was our boys from Secaucus.

Fraud Division (Sounds like National Check Control's old hold music)
Check and Merchant Services (Not quite what NCC was all about)

The language was along the lines of NCC. I am quite interested in how this will play out.

I checked the address, 445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601; and it appears to be a mail mill... kinda like a Mailboxes ETC. store. I am going to call their number, 866-532-4138 from a clean phone and see what they're all about.

I just feel sorry for those schmuks who paid NCC and have no proof to show when Check and Merchant Services goes after them... can anyone say that Goldman is double dipping?

I would like to thank Gojko Kasich of the Kasich Law Offices for his input into this story. http://www.crownlaw.com/


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